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Race Car

Komponist: Watson Scott
Gattung: Werk für Jugendblasorchester
Schwierigkeit: A
Dauer: 3:25 Minuten
Reihe/Serie: Young Symphonic Band
Besetzung: Blasorchester



The skill and thrill of auto racing is captured musically in this piece via its infectious groove and exciting syncopations. Written in one continuous movement, its sections will help you imagine sitting behind the wheel of a powerful and agile racing machine over the course of a breathtaking speed contest. Students performing this piece will enjoy discovering that the palindromic nature of the piece, including the title, "Race Car" (which reads the same forwards and backwards), a pervasive syncopated ostinato rhythm, A-B-A form, and a fugato section at the center of the work (Pit Stop), in which virtually each instrumental part is a palindrome!
