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Komponist: GRAHAM Peter
Gattung: Blasorchester - Internationale Folklore
Dauer: 6:48 Minuten
Format: A4
Besetzung: Blasorchester
Zu hören auf: siehe untenstehende CD-Empfehlungen!



Gaelforce follows in Cry of the Celts style, and using three traditional folk tunes exploits the colour and variety of the modern wind band. Firstly, the slip jig, 'The Rocky Road to Dublin' features the woodwind section. 'The Minstrel Boy', and the final reel, 'Tossing the Feathers', have both recently enjoyed renewed popularity courtesy of 'The Corrs. 'The Minstrel Boy' here features the solo flugel horn in contrast with woodwind choir and mellow voices, while 'Tossing the Feathers' is something of a tour de force for drums, woodwind, and eventually the whole band.
Inhalt: The Rocky Road to Dublin; The Minstrel Boy; Tossing the Feathers.
