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    Nimrod (from Enigma Variations)

    Komponist: Elgar Edward
    Arrangeur: McLain Douglas
    Schwierigkeit: B
    Dauer: 5:00 Minuten
    Besetzung: Blasorchester


    In 1899 Edward Elgar finished his best-known large-scale composition, the 'Enigma Variations'. Elgar dedicated the piece to 'my friends pictured within', each variation being an affectionate portrayal of one of his circle of close acquaintances. In the score each variation is prefaced with either a nickname or initials, a clue to the identity of the friend depicted. 'Nimrod' is the ninth variations and was dedicated to Augustus J. Jaeger. He was for a long time a close friend of Elgar and employed as music editor by the London publisher 'Novello & Co'. 'Nimrod' became the most well-known variations and before his death Elgar disclosed that the opening bars of this beautiful Adagio refers to the theme of the second movement of Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 8  'Pathétique'.
