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    The Valencian Widow - Small Suite

    Komponist: Khachaturian Aram
    Arrangeur: Somers Erik
    Schwierigkeit: D
    Dauer: 9:00 Minuten
    Format: A4
    Besetzung: Blasorchester
    Zu hören auf: siehe untenstehende CD-Empfehlungen!


    We may regret Khatchaturian's delay in bringing this music before a wider audience: it is one of the best of his lighter scores and there is no reason why it should not have enjoyed the popularity of Masquerade. Erik Somers has made a wonderful transcription of this suite that is available in two versions: a Small Suite in three movements and a Large Suite in five movements.
    The Small Suite contains the movements:
    - Introduction
    - Song
    - Dance



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