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    Vilja Lied

    Komponist: Lehar Franz
    Arrangeur: Niese Roger
    Gattung: Sologesang (Sopran) und Blasorchester
    Schwierigkeit: B
    Dauer: 5:00 Minuten
    Format: A4
    Reihe/Serie: Vocal Series Sopran
    Besetzung: Blasorchester
    Zu hören auf: siehe untenstehende CD-Empfehlungen!


    from the Operetta "Die lustige Witwe".
    As a composer Lehár started with contributions to the opera-genre but the great triumph of his first operetta 'Die lustige Witwe' (The merry widow), in 1905 made him clear that he had to gif his talents to the operetta. Die lustige Witwe was not only the start of a new flourishing period, it is also one of the absolute highlights in the whole operetta-repertoire.The aria 'Vilja Lied', sung by Hanna is the most well-known exponent of this beautiful operetta.



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