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Band Parade (CD)

Besetzung: Tonträger (CD)

Band of the Royal Netherlands Air Force unter der Leitung von Lex van Diepen.

  1. Centennial Prelude (Roost Jan van der)
  2. Nessun Dorma (Puccini Giacomo)
  3. Introduction and Modern Beat (Stratford Dizzy)
  4. Martini (Haan Jacob de)
  5. Samorim (Jabovski Tony)
  6. Mood Romantic (Nijs Johan)
  7. Saxophone Jubilee (Evers Harm)
  8. Leningrad (Joel Billy)
  9. Band Parade (Nijs Johan)
10. A Highland Rhapsody (Roost Jan van der)
11. Vivat Mozart ()
12. Three times a tune (Hadermann Jan)
13. Drive and Motion (Schoonenbeek Kees)