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Band Power (CD)

Besetzung: Tonträger (CD)

The Midwest Winds

  1. Band Power (Tinner Gilbert)
  2. Mr. Blue Sky (Lynne Jeff)
  3. High School Musical ()
  4. Snow (Hey Oh) (Kiedis Anthony)
  5. Feeling Good (Bricusse Leslie)
  6. Good Vibrations (Wilson Brian)
  7. Grönemeyer! ()
  8. The World is not Enough (Arnold David)
  9. For Once in my Life (Murden Orlando)
10. A Summer Place (Lynne Jeff)
11. Nena! (Fahrenkrog-Petersen Uwe)
12. All Night Long (Richie Lionel)
13. Harmony (Kaplan/Simon)
14. A Tribute to Yves Montand (Kosma Joseph)
15. Diamonds are Forever (Barry John)
16. The Magic of Boney M. (Farian / Hebb)
17. Ich war noch niemals in New York (Jürgens Udo)