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Big Band Highlights 2 (CD) "for dancing"

Besetzung: Tonträger (CD)

Günter Noris and His Swing Orchestra.

  1. Feel like Dancing (Noris Günter)
  2. Romancing (Noris Günter)
  3. Tango Macho (Noris Günter)
  4. Dancing Clown (Noris Günter)
  5. Close Together (Noris Günter)
  6. Charleston Darling (Noris Günter)
  7. Rock Your Blues Away (Noris Günter)
  8. Trumpet in the Night (Noris Günter)
  9. Swing and Jive (Noris Günter)
10. Ritmo del Amor (Noris Günter)
11. I love Samba (Noris Günter)
12. Cha Cha No. 2 (Noris Günter)
13. Twisting Saxophones (Chorus optional) (Noris Günter)
14. Blue Trombone (Noris Günter)
15. Disco Lady (Noris Günter)