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Cityscapes (CD)

Besetzung: Tonträger (CD)

The J.W.F. Military Band unter der Leitung von Alex Schillings.

  1. Catch the Wind (Hannickel Mike)
  2. Basque Rhapsody (Shelton Mevin L.)
  3. Fanfare Prelude - "O God, our help in ages past" (Curnow James)
  4. Dylan Song (Foster Robert)
  5. Toward The sunrising (Curnow James)
  6. Guardians of Peace (Hosay James)
  7. Cityscapes (Court Douglas)
  8. Fort Walton Adventure (Bulla Stephen)
  9. Fish flew like birds (Hannickel Mike)
10. Celebration Variations (Curnow James)
11. Spy Flix (Hosay James)
12. Canticles (Curnow James)