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Clovis, the sword and the cross (CD)

Besetzung: Tonträger (CD)

State Police Orchestra of Baden-Württemberg unter der Leitung von Toni Scholl.

  1. La scala di seta (Rossini Gioacchino)
  2. The siege of Kenilworth (Basford Daniel)
  6. Tarantella (Rossini Gioacchino)
  7. Clovis, the sword and the cross (Chantry Benoit)
  8. Wedding Day (Bourgeois Derek)
  9. A Tayal folk song (Traditional)
10. Serenade for Louis (Welters Suzanne)
11. Isle of Innisfree (Farrelly Richard)
12. Souvenir of Hawaii (Bourgeois Derek)
13. Jamaican moods ()
14. Il postino (Bacalov Luis)
15. Parade of the animals (Welters Suzanne)
16. Vaya con Dios (Vaya con Dios)
17. RamyRossy (Mertens Hardy)