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Olympic Spirit (CD)

Gattung: Volume 17
Besetzung: Tonträger (CD)

Royal Band of the Belgian Navy unter der Leitung von Michel Dumont.

  1. Welcome the Queen (Bliss Arthur)
  2. Roque de la Bonanza (Devroye Pascal)
  3. Slavonic march op. 31 (Tchaikovsky Peter Illitch)
  4. Notturno (Borodin Alexander)
  5. An Icelandic Rhapsody (Ford Trevor)
  6. Choral of love from "The sun behind my tears" (Mertens Hardy)
  7. The Olympic Spirit (Williams John)
  8. The Earl of Oxford's march (Byrd William)
  9. Czardas Mood (Gay/Peeters)
10. Chant et danse du coucou (Morest Dominique)
11. Le Rag du grand cerf (Morest Dominique)
12. Miguel Galan (Perello Aurelio Perez)
13. Fugain (Fugain Michel)