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    Let it go from Frozen (Jazz-Ensemble)

    Komponist: Anderson-Lopez
    Arrangeur: Stitzel Rick
    Schwierigkeit: 2
    Format: 23 x 30,5 cm
    Verlagsnummer: HL07012291
    Besetzung: Jazz-Ensemble

    From the movie that has captured everyone's imagination, here is the hit song Let It Go skillfully arranged for young jazz groups. Trumpets take the melody first, following by the trombones accompanied by the saxes. Sure to sound great with limited rehearsal time, this arrangement also requires no soloists.
    Enjoy great flexibility with the Easy Jazz Ensemble series! Playable with 4 saxes, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones and rhythm; includes optional parts for flute, clarinet, F horn and tuba.
