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Easy Guitar

Komponist: Schwertberger Gerald
Gattung: Leichte Stücke für Gitarre
Format: 23 x 30,5 cm
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Gitarre

Inhalt: Hillbilly Chewing Gum - Sakura - Obu Mawamba - Ali Ben Gali - Michael, Row the Boat Ashore - Griechische Schenke - Katjuscha - Ennstaler Polka - Give Me The Old Time Religion - Kleines Wienerlied - Flamenco-Skizze - u.v.a.
"Schwertberger's knack for catching the imagination in a simple way will appeal to most first year students. Jazz, pop, folk, flamenco etc are all included among the thrity three short items, all clearly printed, no wasted space, well fingered, not expensive, in fact just right to start with." (Hugh de Camilis, Guitar)
