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    Acoustic Guitar Complete Edition

    Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Gitarre

    Whether you are starting to learn guitar or are an advanced player looking to give your playing more nuance, National Guitar Workshop... Guitar Method Complete is all you will ever need. Each book includes MP3 CDs demonstrating examples.
    Beginning concepts include right- and left-hand technique, reading music, basic improvisation, barre chords, picking technique, playing bass lines and basic arranging. Intermediate topics include alternate tunings, scales, how to play in upper positions of the fingerboard and a rundown of styles like acoustic funk, New Orleans, gypsy swing, Cletic, bluegrass, Cajun and more. This comprehensive book concludes with more advanced techniques, including "machine gun strums", right-hand muting, slapping, tapping, slap harmonics and tremolo - as well as styles like reggae, African/Brazilian, norteno and conjunto.
