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    Rock Guitar Complete Edition

    Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Gitarre

    Whether you are starting to learn guitar or are an advanced player looking to give your playing more nuance, National Guitar Workshop... Guitar Method Complete is all you will ever need. Each book includes MP3 CDs demonstrating examples.
    Anyone interested in learning to play rock guitar can pick up this book and get started right away. This well-paced, comprehensive method covers everything, from basic to advanced techniques. Beginning concepts include rock theory, left-hand technique, improvising with the pentatonic scales, power chords, rhythm guitar and licks in the the styles such greats as Chuck Berry, Van Halen, Led Zeppelin and more. For the intermediate player, this book can help with harmonization to triads, chord embellishment, composite scales and improvising with the modes. The book concludes with advanced techniques including pentatonic extensions, the major and harmonic minor scales, arpeggios and technique-expanding exercises on legato playing, speed picking, intervallic playing, tapping, sweep-picking and bending.
