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Star Wars: Episodes I, II & III - Horn

Gattung: Horn Play-Along
Schwierigkeit: B
Format: 23 x 30,5 cm
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Horn

This book is part of an instrumental series arranged for flute, clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax, trumpet, horn in F, and trombone. The arrangements are completely compatible with each other and can be played together or as solos. Each book contains a carefully edited part that is appropriate for the Level 2-3 player and a fully orchestrated accompaniment CD. Each song on the CD includes a DEMO track, which features a live instrumental performance, followed by the PLAY-ALONG track itself.
Inhalt: 1. Augie's Great Municipal Band     2. Duel of the Fates     3. Qui-Gon's Funeral     4. Star Wars (Main Title)     5. Across the Stars     6. The Imperial March     7. May the Force Be with You     8. The Meadow Picnic     9. Battle of the Heroes     10. Princess Leia's Theme     11. The Throne Room
