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Ten Easy Tunes

Arrangeur: Humphries John
Gattung: Horn und Klavier (leicht - mittelschwer)
Schwierigkeit: A-B
Verlagsnummer: F 486-401
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Horn

This useful book contains an interesting and melodious selections for students in the first few years of learning. The pieces have been selected according to what is appropriate for the instruments so each collection of tunes is different, containing a mixture of well-known classics and traditional melodies.
Inhalt: When the Saints Go Marching In; La Mourisque; Pastime with Good Company; Soldiers' March; O for the Wings of a Dove; Two Mighty Men at Arms; Romance from 'Eine kleine Nachtmusik' K525; Minuet & Trio from 'Eine kleine Nachtmusik' K525; Air on the G String BWV 1068; Ragtime Horn.
