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Techniques of the Oboe - Band 1

Komponist: Bleuzet Louis
Gattung: für Oboe
Format: 23 x 30,5 cm
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Oboe

Sonority and Mechanism
The Techniques of the Oboe, Sonority and Mechanism by Louis Bleuzet is a method for oboe, using the rational study of the scale. This first volume for beginners includes the following topics: 1. Scales 2. Mechanism 3. Sonority 4.Articulations 5. Trills. The two other volumes focus on: Scales in third, Mechanism, Scales in fourths, Mechanism, Whole tone scales, Chromatic scale, Arpeggios and Staccato. Louis Bleuzet (1874-1941) was a French oboist and aprofessor at the Paris Conservatoire.
