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Hit Songs for Two - Flöte

Gattung: Flöte
Format: 23 x 30,5 cm
Verlagsnummer: HL00252482
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Flöte

100 YEARS / Five For Fighting
All about that bass / Trainor Meghan
All of me / Legend John
BRAVE / Bareilles Sara
BUDAPEST / Ezra George
Can't stop the feeling / Timberlake Justin
Grenade / Mars Bruno
Hey soul sister / Train
Home / Phillips Phillip
I will wait / Mumford + Sons
Let her go / Passenger
Let it go / Bay James
Poker Face / Lady Gaga
Royals / Lorde
SAY SOMETHING / A great big world
Shake it off / Swift Taylor
Shape of you / Sheeran Ed
Skyfall / Adele
Some nights / Fun
Stay with me / Smith Sam
Story of my life / One Direction
Viva la vida / Coldplay
