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Kleine Variationen

Komponist: Kölz Ernst
Gattung: für Altblockflöte (Querflöte) und 1-2 Gitarren
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Blockflöte

Kleine Variationen über "La doulce saison" für Altblockflöte (Querflöte) und Gitarre oder zwei Gitarren.
"This delightfully playable work is based on the medieval song 'La doulce saison' and the two instruments have a haunting plainchant theme of simple beauty which is restated after the five variations. When looking and playing through it, I had that feeling of delight as with a good novel - couldn't put it down and had to read it again. The work could easily be played on two guitar and sound lovely and be very useful for a school duo when played on the treble recorder and guitar, especially as the technical requirements don't go above about grade three." (Guitar)
