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Concert and Contest Collection Altsax - Solo-Part

Gattung: Altsaxophon
Format: 23 x 30,5 cm
Verlagsnummer: HL04471690
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Saxophon

Inhalt: Andante and Allegro (Chailleux) At the Hearth (Gretchaninoff) Canzonetta and Giga (Ostransky) Concertante (Paladilhe) Elegie (Baret) Evening Waltz (Gretchaninoff) Fantaisie Mauresque (Combelle) irst Concertino (Guilhaud) Introduction and Rondo (Ostransky) Largo and Allegro (Handel) Melodie (Poulain) Minuet (Mozart) Recitative and Allegro (Koepke) Sonatina (Haydn)