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10 Intermediate Timpani Solos

Komponist: Beck John
Gattung: Timpani Solos
Dauer: 02:00 Minuten
Format: 23 x 30,5 cm
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Schlagzeug/Percussion

Snare Drum Solo
Intermediate players are provided with a musically rewarding experience throughout these ten solos. The hand-to-hand style will establish skills players will use their entire playing careers, and the solos are suitable for concert, recital, or contest use. More advanced players can have fun with these solos also by using them as sight reading exercises.
Single Stick It; Flam It; The Echo; Space; Five To Nine; Rugg It; Paradiddle Waltz; Mixing It Up; Syncopated; Slow- Fast
