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Big Fun on the Bass Drum

Komponist: Vean William
Gattung: Flexy 3 Series
Schwierigkeit: 0,5
Dauer: 2:00 Minuten
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Schlagzeug/Percussion


Beating a drum is fun. Beating a big drum is even more fun. Being a soloist and beating a bass drum is best of all.
In 'Big Fun on the Bass Drum' the dream of every starter percussionist is realized.
He/she is soloist and is allowed to really beat the drum hard without the conductor putting a stop to it, but beware: a new skin is rather expensive.
'Big Fun on the Bass Drum' is not only about hitting as hard as you can, though.
A lot of attention is paid to playing the bass drum very softly. And what is more, the composer has found room to offer the soloist a real cadenza - at this point in the composition he/she can either play the partprescribed or give the audience an improvisation of his/her own.
