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Contest Solos for the young Snare Drummer

Komponist: Houllif Murray
Gattung: Snare-Drum Solo
Format: 23 x 30,5 cm
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Schlagzeug/Percussion

12 unaccompanied pieces at grades 1-2.
This bestselling collection offers a good variety of interesting pieces for contest and study. Stickings are provided when necessary, and styles include jazz, rock, Latin, rudimental, classical, and more. Several tonal possibilities are also explored by playing on various areas of the drum head and rim using sticks, brushes, fingers, timpani mallets, etc.  
A Strange Accent; Off-Beat March; Speak Softly; William Tells All; Wolfgang's Flam-Bang; Boss Bossa; Drumba; Triple Play; Hip Little; Sixteen; Highlands; May I Roll This Waltz?; Drag Racer
