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Rush (Book & CD)

Gattung: Ultimate Drum Play-Along
Format: 23 x 30,5 cm
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Schlagzeug/Percussion


Learn to play your favorite Rush songs with these terrific transcriptions and play-along tracks. Using your Mac or Windows-based computer, you can access two versions of every song on the included CD-ROM: an instrumental sound-alike MP3, and an instrumental accompaniment MP3 without drums so you can play along. Plus, if you install to your computer the provided TNT 2 software featured on the disc, you can loop sections for practice, change keys, and slow tracks down and speed them up without changing the pitch. Matching guitar and bass editions are available.
Titles: Anthem * Closer to the Heart * Spirit of Radio * Temples of Syrinx * Tom Sawyer * YYZ.
