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    Universal Rhythms for Drumset

    Komponist: DiCenso Dave
    Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Schlagzeug/Percussion

    Written by drummer/educator Dave DiCenso, Universal Rhythms for Drumset is a workbook with a concept designed to help demystify the drummer's creative process. Working from the noton that the majority of Western music is built upon five simple rhythmic phrases, DiCenso offers creative tools that demonstrate how to identify, interpret and manipulate this five-rhythm alphabet in order to improve one's understanding of rhythm as a language and one's ability to speak it on a set of drums.
    By applying an innovative eight-step "mastery system" to each lesson, the reader is challenged to go beyond muscle memory and improve cerebral skills such as pulse/space/shape awareness within any groove, fill, embellishment or solo; getting ideas to flow seamlessly from mind to limbs to drums; understanding the space other musicians occupy to make informed musical choices and create a deeper band pocket.
    Lessons that include over 500 exercises covering 28 drumming styles are all based upon only five rhythms, and all examples in the book are performed by the author on the included MP3 CD.
