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    Komponist: Zivkovic Nebojsa Jovan
    Gattung: für Marimba Solo
    Dauer: 6:30 Minuten
    Format: 23 x 30,5 cm
    Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Schlagzeug/Percussion

    Ilijas by Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic is one of his most popular marimba solos, featuring Eastern European folk melodies in two distinct sections: a free-form folk melody written in an aria-like style, and an intensely catchy, heavily syncopated faster section.
    This solo requires the ability to play static one-handed rolls while using the other hand to create flowing melodic lines, and some ultra-brisk notes (bpm = 228) that aren't necessarily idiomatic on the instrument.
    This piece is a favorite to put on recitals because it shows off the player's technical abilities, it sounds great to a wide variety of audiences, and it's just a lot of fun to play.
