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Selected Studies (Baritone Treble Clef)

Komponist: Voxman Himie
Gattung: Studien für Bariton im Violinschlüssel
Format: 23 x 30,5 cm
Verlagsnummer: HL00153642
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Tenorhorn

This staple of all-state auditions is available for the first time for Baritone T.C. These excellent studies are the next step for students who have completed the advanced level method for their instrument. The full-page etudes in this series, key-centered and supported by scale and arpeggio exercises, take the student to that next level of performance wherein their accumulated skills allow them to play full-length performance pieces with a high level of musicianship and competence. As such, many states include these pieces in their all-state audition lists.
