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Working Zone

Komponist: Indermühle Nicolas
Gattung: für Tuba / Bass-Schlüssel-Instrumente
Format: A4
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Tuba


Sprache: Englisch
Scale and Interval Exercises — For tuba and other bass clef instruments
“Working Zone” is the area where you make personal progress. In “Working Zone” the things you practice are not too difficult or too easy, but they are challenging enough. Regular, dedicated and focused practicing in the “Working Zone” will improve your playing skills. Find your “Working Zone” daily. Work there slowly and systematically. Be patient. Focus on practicing the things you really need to. Try always to be aware why you are doing what you are doing.
In this publication, the authors wanted to gather, combine and clearly explain, what in their opinion are the most important things to practice. The book is written with tuba in mind, but the exercises are universal: any low brass instrument, any bass clef instrument is applicable.
