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20 Jazz-Duette - Vol. 2

Komponist: Escher Wolf
Gattung: Trompetenduo - Jazz-Duette
Format: 23 x 30,5 cm
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Trompete

für Fortgeschrittene!
- Trumpeter's delight
- Groove in 6/8
- Living with the Blues
- The twins (Waltz)
- Blowin' out
- Faster than wind
- Little thing
- Trumpet Broth.
- Rock around the Blues
- Dark and mellow (Bossa)
- Etude in 3 different keys
- One for
- The screamer
- Tiny screamer
- Tiny piece
- High and low (Fast Samba)
- Run! (Dixie)
- à la Clifford (Medium Swing)
- The 21st century will come
- Troubles in your brain
- Strength and healthy
