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Classic Festival Solos 1 - Trompete, Solo Book

Gattung: Trompete
Format: 23 x 30,5 cm
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Trompete

Klavierbegleitung separat erhältlich
Classic Festival Solos offers the advancing instrumentalist an array of materials graded from easy to more challenging. There are different titles for each instrument, and an assortment of musical styles has been included in each book for variety. Many of the solos appear on state contest lists. Contains: Alman (Morley, arr. Dishinger) * Ancient Story (Kaplan) * Bourree (Handel, arr. Dishinger) * The Enchanted Swing (Pelz) * Fantasy for Trumpet (Walters) * Halgueno (Chenette) * Legend (Bakaleinikoff) * March of the Matadors (Eymann) * Menuet (K. 164) (Mozart, arr. Dishinger) * Morning Glory (Chenette) * Serenade Bakaleinikoff * Tall Men (Smith).  
