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Suzuki Viola School - Viola Part - Volume 1

Komponist: Suzuki Shinichi
Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Viola

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Variations (Shinichi Suzuki) * French Folk Song (Folk Song) * Lightly Row (Folk Song) * Song of the Wind (Folk Song) * Go Tell Aunt Rhody (Folk Song) * O Come, Little Children (Folk Song) * May Song (Folk Song) * Long, Long Ago (T.H. Bayly) * Allegro (Shinichi Suzuki) * Perpetual Motion (Shinichi Suzuki) * Allegretto (Shinichi Suzuki) * Andantino (Shinichi Suzuki) * Bohemian Folk Song (Folk Song) * Etude (Shinichi Suzuki) * Minuet No. 1, Minuet III from Suite in G Minor for Klavier, BWV 822 (J.S. Bach) * Minuet No. 2, BWV Anh. 116 (J.S. Bach) * Minuet No. 3, Anh. II 114/Anh. II 183 (J.S. Bach) * The Happy Farmer from Album for the Young, Op. 68, No. 10 (R. Schumann) * Gavotte (F.J. Gossec) * Practice Suggestions (Doris Preucil).
