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    First Solo Pieces - Band 2

    Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Violine

    Inhalt: Bouree (Händel) - Hornpipe (Händel) - Andante (Schubert) - German Dance (Schubert) - Gavotte in D (Bach) - Berceuse (Liadoff) - Danse of the Mosquito (Liadoff) - Two Minuets (Brahms) - Minuet and Trio (Schubert) - Andantino e Menuetto (Festing) - Bagatelle, op. 33/6 (Beethoven) - Greensleeves, Divisions to a Ground - Allegro (Corelli) - The Spinning Top (Bizet) - Pantomime and Passepied (Mozart) - Andante (Schubert/Arr. Lambert) - Rondo all'Ongarese (Haydn).
