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    The Last Dance

    Komponist: Kato Daiki
    Gattung: Duett für Marimba und Percussion
    Dauer: 6:45 Minuten
    Format: A4
    Besetzung: Instrumentalnoten für Schlagzeug/Percussion


    The Last Dance is an exciting work for marimba and multiple percussion that gives both performers the opportunity to shine throughout.
    Kick Bass Drum (w/ pedal)
    Hand Drum (Djembe, Conga, Cajon, etc.)
    4 Graduated Drums (Tom-Toms, Congas, etc.)
    Effects Percussion (Wind Chimes, Rainstick, etc.)
    3 Resonant Metals (Cymbals, Tam-Tams, etc.)
    Non-Resonant Metal (Ribbon Crasher, Pipe, etc.)
    Program Notes
    The Last Dance for marimba and percussion was commissioned by two duo groups Mizuki Shimomura and Satoshi Seki, and Nina Fujisawa and Masayuki Nino respectively in 2015. The percussion player should feel free to customize their set-up with different types of instruments.
